Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unscripted Emotion As Our Love Sets In Motion

Alhamdulilah im no longer feeling down or bummer and to be truthful im all set and partially prep to bring down the wall that has been standin in my way to my goal which is to get straight A's and get my ass out of Puncak Alam ASAP...
I came to a realization that at where im standin and where i've position myself turned out to be a risk meanin im jeopardizing and sabotaging my chances that rolls in my way and pretty much ruin it at the end...
Im gonna to do my best to get straight A's for my supreme and favourite subjects such as English,Sejarah,Bahasa Malaysia and Tassawur Islam...
Im goin to focus 200% on those subjects and ace my SPM exam...
Yesterday's post was filled with negative vibe and all broodiness and sombreness I guarantee y'all those energy won't be comin near me ever again and tell you what that is a promise i made to myself and to the lord himself...
I know whenever im feelin down or stress i should lean on and pray to the superior which is my Creator Allah...
And i've pretty much embrace the concept and live with it peacefully...

Allah has plans for me and in one of those plans im sure that he might have had 'an array of gifts and 'an array of challenges' altogether and have it stored for me..

Now all i gotta do is to figure my life out which is a total mystery and live my life to the max physically and mentally...

P/S:I love my life,
I love my family,

I love Allah

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