Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Succubus Is What I Am

I've been in Jakarta for over a week now and havin lots of fun stayin with my sister...
Since i got nothin better to do besides doin laundry and stuff i've been spendin my days by watchin DVDs and payin the gym a visit...
Like last sunday we went to Anggrek Mall to celebrate my sister's birthday as well as her friend's birthday,just so happened they were born on the same date..

We headed to J CO to indulge our taste buds and it was amaze balls...

Plus,last wednesday or so the Embassy held a friendly bowling match at Pasar Festival which is located just across the Embassy and i was on a different team from my sister...

Apparently i was stuck with some bollocks arseholes who think they're in the eligibility studs market...
y'all are so not in nor within the market...

I scored some major impressive points and little did i know that i had the skills of a champ in me the entire time...

I probably should start a career out of it...

Here are the photos of our chilling...

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