Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Mushy On The Inside,Clingy On The Outside

School was typically fill with boredom and the scorching sun literally expunged my rejuvenated skin
Test will be over by tomorrow and thank god for that...
I aint takin anymore test that is comin ahead and of course im just crackin up jokes as always..
I cant just simply give it in like a defeated person..
The most bizarre,insipid thing happened to me during the test session as i was not apart of the geography test...
So i pulled out 'The Last Song' novel out of my bag and religiously read it...
As i was in a different realm than the rest of my classmates the teacher in charge spotted my activity and sidled up towards my desk...
She instructed me to put it back in my bag and i was like 'Isn't it obvious im not takin this subject?'
I gentlely told her that i aint takin geography...
She backed out at first but insist on me puttin the novel back in my bag...
Its just a readin material!She'd probably wanted me to just die out of boredom while glarin at my classmates and piddled around doin nothin...
Come to think of it teachers are supposed to cultivate the students from being lazy to unlazy
by all means necessary...
And i favour reading...Is there a new law against readin novel in ur class or was she being completely oblivious of my visible habit..?

At some point teachers are capable of being a pain in the butt extremely obnoxious compared to our biological mother...
Ocassionally i wonder are they scoldin us basically due to point out our mistakes and prove they're right or to just mortified us in public cuz i've met those kinda mean and vulgar teachers and up untill now i despise'em...
I aint bashing all teachers out there i know there are teachers whom reputation preceeds their names and there are bunch of lazybones whom shamelessly called themselves 'teachers'...
In my perspective teachers are the backbones of creatin fresh and innovative youth to ensure the non-stop development of a nation...
Not piddling around the staffroom gossipin on celebrities and students...
Thats even low for lazyasses like them..

P/S:Resign from being a teacher or get a new life...!

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