Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Happy Ramadhan Loves

Ah La Wasahlan Ramadhan and peace be upon all of my lovelies...
Its been quite a while since i last posted any blog entry , i sincerely and profoundly apologize for i was too caught up with assignments and adapting to a whole new study place and a sidelined note i dont have any laptop which means surfing the net is absolutely out of the question...
First and foremost i'd like to express my gratitude and content by welcomin the holy month of Ramadhan, it is still not late for me to do so am i right?
It is the only month that only comes once a year to grace us with its halo and opportunity to amend ourselves and perform our obligations towards our loving Creator...
Those days are institute with clandestined heaps of challenges for us human to face in order to prove our faithfulness and love going through the days in the name of Allah..
30 days of fast seems unconventional but really it is the peak of Ramadhan that makes it all worth it..
Especialy the Terawikh prayers right after breaking fast...

Now let's move on to my current life , i've been stayin at Sultan Idris Shah Polytechnic located in Sabak Bernam in the state of Selangor , so far its been rough and massive and by rough and massive i mean beyond the actual definition of its meanings...
I hate my roomie,i dont have any close nor best friends besides acquaintances whom i hardly care to get to know bout...
Im gradually becomin a misfit and not that im not familiar with the term but its just ive been seriously homesick and i miss all my best friends...
If only we are in the same institution , i guess ya can never always get whatcha want....
The course is interesting yet mind challenging and im starting to fall in love with the essence of its course but there's only one problem here ,microeconomics is in my syllabus and i freaked the hell out when i found out bout it..
Have no idea on how im gonna do it but it seems that i have a limited options to even put into weighing...
I just gotta go through it...
To be honest it scares me to the core..

Please pray and hope for the best for my end year exam lovelies..